People need to hold X to a higher standard. We should never settle. And no one should trust Elon or make him into a messiah. He is a flawed dude with his own self interests. I am certainly glad he bought Twitter. But now he needs to up his game and defend the first amendment.

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Precisely. And deliver on the transparency he promised with regard to which posts and which accounts are being suppressed.

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Just found this C.J Hopkins essay talking about the delta between the claims and the reality back in August: https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-free-speech-twitter-psyop

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Great! Look forward to reviewing . . . .

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"Narrative: “Entities are boycotting X. Therefore, X is a paragon of "free speech" supporting virtue.” "

What you have here is known as an 'appeal to adversity fallacy'.

The logic takes the form of: 'X is being opposed by Y; Y is nearly always wrong, so X is always right'.

It is nothing more than a re-hash of Duo-politics psychological warfare tactics. I swung by to give you a link to an article where I detail how it works:


I'm extremely critical of Elon Mask and his cronyism.

I notice he's being pushed further and further back as we gain ground, however.

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Very much appreciated that article. Thank you.

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Insights on Twixter's speech/reach issue:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/e046639bae5a

More on Elon:

> https://workflowy.com/#/f75740326d3a

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I have not trusted X/Twitter in years and didn’t have an account. I have given it a bit of a chance after Musk purchased it and when he supposedly released the chains that bound it. Yet, I have learned that Musk is a rather sketchy character. So, X has had that little chance and lately I’ve felt it had run its course. I have been threatening to delete it for several days. It’s ironic that “Where are the numbers”, whom I follow, writes about shadow banning and then I read your comment and then your post. Both have convinced me that now is the time to delete my account and X for good. I feel a bit sad about it though because there are a lot of great voices there and wonderful religious leaders, clergy, and the like all lumped together in one place. But…I just don’t like X’s dirty underbelly.

Thanks for your post.

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Thanks for commenting. I can understand wanting to delete, or wanting to keep. My feeling is that as long as we don't let ourselves be beguiled into forgettng that X does censor, there is still value in having an address book of sorts which at least enables one to seek out and hear various accounts we value.

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Good point! Thanks!

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